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Thomas Vazhakunnathu is a spiritual scientist, teacher, and author. His conscious spiritual journey began in 1994, at the age of 23, when a profound spiritual experience transformed the course of his life. From that moment, he dedicated himself to discovering and embodying the fundamental truths of existence. By 2004, Thomas realized that no single religion or path holds exclusive access to truth or salvation. Rather, he recognized the fundamental oneness of all existence and understood that truth permeates everything, albeit in varying degrees.

He further realized that understanding these truths, especially the fundamental ones, can liberate us from numerous limitations and sufferings, guiding us toward peace and happiness in ever-increasing degrees, ultimately culminating in a state of blissful existence. His work continues to reflect his commitment to these insights, striving to help others find freedom and fulfillment by aligning with the universal principles that govern life.

As a lifelong observer and student of life, Thomas dedicates his time to exploring, understanding, and embodying the essential principles of existence. His writings aim to awaken humanity to these fundamental truths, emphasizing life's eternal and evolutionary nature. Spiritual Theory of Everything is his first book, where he delves into the origin and purpose of life. In his second book, Planetary Crossroads, Thomas explores Earth’s transformation, emphasizing the urgent environmental challenges we face. He advocates for holistic approaches to mitigate and adapt to these challenges, with the ultimate goal of reducing future generations’ suffering and ensuring a smoother transition for the planet. His works are deeply rooted in the recognition of the fundamental unity that sustains the universe.

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